Thankful – ness

I have a lot to be thankful for.

And my claim as we went around the table this year was that I didn’t have much to be thankful for this year, and for that I was thankful

I was called on the mat for this by my father who thought it was lame.  BUT

This Year (unlike the past 3 years):

I DON”T have to be thankful for the fact that I didn’t die in the hospital when my uterus ruptured (that was sooo last year). 

I DON”T have to be thankful for the fact that I didn’t die when my fallopian tube ruptured (that was sooo the year before that).

I DON”T have to be thankful for the fact that the breat biopsy was  negative (2 years ago).

I DON”T have to be thankful for the ultrasound that proved it was just a shadow on the xray when they checked my husband’s side pain (3 years ago).

I DON”T have to be thankful for the fact that my husband finally left the job that was breaking his spirit, or be thankful for the new job that isn’t  (last year).

I DON”T have to be thankful that my son breezed through ear tube, tonsillectomy and other assorted ENT surgery like a champ (last year).

I DON”T have to be thankful for the fact that my mother survived pneumonia, twice, and barely (3ish years ago).

Compared to the years we’ve had recently.  This year was fairly non-eventful.

And for that I am very fucking thankful.

And all because two people fell in love

I am in the process of redesigning my family room and I am finding that I have the urge for some word art.

The title is one of those cheesy sayings that you find etched into wood or displayed in wall stickers.  It is not one of the ones I am considering.

However, as part of my “design” I chose some neat prints that are going to be gallery mounted on canvas.  Each picture represents a vacation that my husband and I took that was especially memorable.

So far I have ordered 3.  My honeymoon, the first trip we took together (alone) after kids and the first trip we took with my daughter. 

So you have, Mallorca Spain, Mayan Riviera Mexico and San Francisco.

They will be displayed on the big wall in my family room but they won’t take up the whole wall.

So…what else should go there?

I had thought to get some sort of “something” that stood for each of us.  Like a representative chatchka.

A knight for my son, princess for my daughter and a car for the husband.  

But then how to display them?

And how to make them, if not match, at least blend as a theme.

And what the hell do I get to represent me?

And…we had our last meeting with the placement counselor on Monday.

One more piece of paper away from final review and they we will start to get “calls for placement”.  Here comes number three.

I am both terrified and elated.

What the hell can I get to represent a child  I haven’t even met yet? *

*clearly, the least of my concerns.