The year of living dangerously

So…2012.  It’s been a year.  And it’s early yet.

But so far:

I killed my dog. (well my husband killed him) ((he was put to sleep because he was old))  I still feel guilt every time I am glad that my house is no longer covered in black dog fluff and no longer smells like old, dying dog.

I had another horrific court date in which the DHS move to change the goal was not upheld and the case was extended for 5 more months because mom is “moderately compliant”.  Everyone tells us that this means we have lost and mom will get the kids back.  I just know that I came home and picked them up from daycare and will do so again tomorrow, and most likely for the next 5 months… then we’ll see.

I have a heel spur and plantar faciitis (Spell that spell check) and most days I would gladly gnaw my foot off if it meant the pain. would. fucking. stop.

I have read 6 books in the past two months.  None of them were very good.  None of them were very bad.  I couldn’t tell you the titles or the authors but I can tell you I enjoyed the process and my Kindle is a crack pipe with drugs you can get for FREE> (much like crack, most free books are the first in a series and “only the first one’s free”…so you can see how I make the parallel right?)

We decided to buy a camper.  for camping.  I am thrilled about this in a way that is simply not natural.  Unless you are me.  Then camper excitement is, apparently, very natural.

I had a birthday.  My daughter had a birthday.  My son had a birthday.  I am the only one who got no presents.  none.  Not even a cake.  I am still trying to decide what to do about that.

I divorced my husband.  In my head.  For a day. (guess which one)  He has no idea I did it.  He never got the imaginary papers.  He never even got the attitude.  Because he worked on my birthday.  all day.  And then I left town for 5 days.  And by the time I got back — we were married again.

Lucky, lucky man.

I have a freezer and a fridge full of food.  And I often receive Amazon boxes on my front steps.  I have definitely bought into the idea of retail therapy.  (get it…bought in…to retail therapy?  never mind.)

I am having a good year.  Over all.  I have family who loves me.  I have a cute adorable doggie who comes to work with me every Friday now (Furry Fridays – coming to an office near you!) and four kiddos who adore me.  And life is good.

I will be working on getting the bad stuff fixed and the good stuff better.

Beyond that, I’ll be camping.